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How to Get a New Prospective Client to Return Phone Calls and Email

Email marketing campaigns are a common and often effective way to reach out to clients and customers. It's a logical choice for a business communication channel -- despite the numerous networks and platforms we have to send messages, email is arguably the most ubiquitous, and it's less intrusive and personal than a text or direct message on social media.

This presents a challenge for companies: Because everyone uses email, it's becoming harder and harder to stand out. After all, how can you compete with the269 billion global emailsbeing sent every day?

To effectively capture your customers' attention, look beyond the typical email blast and follow these nine strategies recommended by Forbes Coaches Council.

1. Pick Up The Phone

Call key customers to check in on their satisfaction, and then share good news with them. We're so used to email communication that customers would be surprised if you actually called them to check in. This takes effort and demonstrates that you seek to have a rapport with them that extends beyond technology. -LaKisha Greenwade,Lucki Fit LLC

2. Ask For Their Feedback

Getting clients to participate in podcasts, open houses or webinars is a great way for them to feel valued and included and to see you at work in a different environment. It gives you both a chance to collaborate and work together in a different way to build bonds, share ideas, and create something you both can have ownership of. Added bonus: It's a great way to brand-build for both of you. -Rose Cartolari,Rose Cartolari Consulting

3. Send A Handwritten Note Or Card

In a world consumed by email and social media, many people fail to realize the power of a handwritten note on nice stationary or a card sent just because. Writing a personal message and mailing it says, "I took the time to think of you." Not only does a handwritten note help you stand out, it also sets you apart from your competition, as most entrepreneurs omit this simple communication strategy. -Lori Manns,Quality Media Consultant Group

4. Put Yourself Where Your Clients Already Are

Branding isn't always direct. A highly effective way to gain the attention of clients is to show up where they already are. What are they reading? What events or conferences do they attend? A feature in a publication they already read or presenting at conferences they frequent gains their attention, cements your subject matter expertise in their minds and makes you desirable. - Kevin Wright, Kevin Wright

5. Send Them Something They'd Find Valuable

Send something to a client that would resonate with them. Show that you're thinking specifically of them by sharing a post you read that's relevant, a TED Talk they would enjoy, a gapingvoid cartoon blast -- anything that will help them think differently. Doing something differently while they know you have them in mind is the best kind of conversation starter. -Donna Karlin,No Ceiling, Just Sky™ Institute

6. Show Them You Know What's Important To Them

Too many people call or email prospects and clients based on their own agenda. What is your client's agenda? What do they care about? What challenges do they face? Every time you communicate with them, regardless of medium, you should be providing something they value. Who cares about your new product? They are busy. Make it worth their time by knowing what is important to them. -Brad Federman,F&H Solutions Group

7. Offer Value In Your Social Media Posts

Social media is key in this day and age. Show value in your social media posts. Provide knowledge, nuggets of valuable insights, posts about new webinars, content or your offerings. Stay front and center in terms of your work and efforts by offering them something of value to them. -Monica Thakrar,MTI

8. Send A Small But Meaningful Gift

Send them a small gift that is meaningful to them. It could be something personalized with their name or monogram or just something you know they enjoy (theater tickets, a book on a subject you know they're interested in, a gift for their pet or children). The key is it's meaningful and relevant to them, not something you could have sent to anyone. -Loretta Love Huff,Emerald Harvest Consulting LLC

9. Share Your Customers' Unique Stories

We acknowledge our customers' meaningful investments in people (and their partnership with our services). We feature different customers in video blogs and Facebook Live according to our monthly themes. They have rich stories to tell. This is a meaningful way to get their attention and honor their commitment to leadership development. -Michelle Braden,MSBCoach, LLC

How to Get a New Prospective Client to Return Phone Calls and Email
